A dreadful virus has spread across the race turning the populace. . .else. After a quick setup (and a cluttered hit-and-run ) we're introduced to a ambulance and its four occupants. Sonia (Helene de Fougerolles) and Marco (Francis Renaud) are together and riding with two cops. While they head for a research facility named NOAH that taking care of a treat and is infection-free, tensions rise between these, and circumstances lead to Sonia and Marco holing up alone in an abandoned construction. She's pregnant, in love, and apparently immune to the herpes virus... and she realizes he's been infected. He slowly transforms however her love because he refuses to offer up on a treat, so she sets out to survive attacks from marauders, the onslaught of infected, and also the threat in her baby's daddy.
Released: 2009-05-06