Robot Planet
They have amazed us and scared us with their stories about the world of artificial intelligence, from cyborg armies to zombies that have been programmed to do things. In the future, we will live in a world where robots and artificial intelligence will be commonplace. All of our dreams from the past are coming true now. There will soon be a time when mechanical robots aren't needed anymore, and biologically made humans will connect to each other around the world. They will be able to fix themselves, get energy from the sun, and live for ever. They will be all-powerful and all-knowing, like Gods who will walk the Earth at the end of time. We can't stop this future world from happening now, and it can't be stopped either. Scientists with the best minds in the world today have told us what could happen if we use this new technology wrong. When they say there will be a disaster, they mean they think it will happen Prepare yourself for the future so that you can deal with it.
Duration: 67