Team Umizoomi
The animated fantasy musical series Team Umizoomi has an emphasis on early childhood mathematical concepts like counting, sequences, shapes, patterns, measurements, and comparisons. The series is animated and features a musical score. Miniature heroes with superpowers named Milli and Geo, a helpful robot with the name Bot, and the child who is watching the show together make up the team. The three characters, known collectively as Milli, Geo, and Bot, address the young viewer as their "Umifriend" and encourage him or her to develop their "Mighty Math Powers!" The majority of the events take place in Umi City and its surrounding areas. Umi City is a vibrant city with streets that are paved with designs inspired by origami. Nick Jr. and Nickelodeon are the two television networks in the United States that air episodes of Team Umizoomi. Additionally, it may be downloaded on iTunes. On January 25, 2010, it was broadcast for the first time.
Released: 2010-01-25
Duration: 22
United States of America