The Inspector Alleyn Mysteries
The Inspector Alleyn Mysteries is a British detective television series that was based from nine of Ngaio Marsh's novels featuring the character Roderick Alleyn. When it first broadcast, it was between the years 1990 and 1994. Simon Williams provided the performance of Detective Inspector Alleyn in the first episode of the series. Belinda Lang played the role of the painter Agatha Troy, who was Alleyn's love interest. William Simons portrayed Alleyn's right-hand man and a "Watson" type, Detective Sergeant Fox, in the show. Since Williams was unable to participate in the production of the first series, Simons and Lang were asked to continue in their previous roles. However, the position of the lead character was eventually taken on by Patrick Malahide. The BBC produced a total of nine episodes, each of which was based on a different book. DVD releases of all eight episodes of "Malahide" are now available in both the United States and the United Kingdom. Each of the nine episodes is included in a package from Australia.
Released: 1993-04-18